Coronavirus Challenges

Coronavirus Challenges
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Sue Davis
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 25 Apr 2020
The world feels very different at present, but Black Sheep Harmony is still singing!

In a few short weeks, like most of the global population, we have gone from happy little sheep, wandering where we will to being penned up, unable to go anywhere or visit friends and family.

We have tried our best to keep in contact with each other on social media and sing “together” using video conferencing, and although it is great fun, it just isn’t the same! 

It’s not a perfect situation but we are all grateful to this technology for keeping us connected, providing very welcome distraction and preventing us from feeling too isolated.

All singing groups are finding ways to cope with these challenges but for The Sheep, it has been a particularly difficult time. Our wonderful Director and founder member, David Proud was due, after eight years of dedicated leadership, to hand over the reins to our incoming MD, Pete “Nooj” Nugent. This was to happen at a special celebration evening, but then Lockdown happened!!

Our first ever Zoom rehearsal coincided with Pete’s first, what a difficult way to start, but he did a fantastic job.

It was a great success and as Pete hosted our first online get together, with input from the music team, the format for our Zoom meetings was established.

We are still learning, but we have had fun with highly topical warmups, practice of repertoire songs, sectional breakout rooms and educational segments. We even manage to have a mini break to celebrate the hugely difficult work of NHS and other essential frontline workers.

The evenings have been rounded off b-ewe-tifully with a “how are ewe” session. This social part of the evening is as much fun (at this stage, a tipple of your choice is an optional extra!), and as important as the singing part!

We are still open for business and although our current rehearsals are very different to normal ones, Black Sheep Harmony would still love to welcome new and even returning members.

Please contact us through the website or Facebook, we’d love to hear from you!